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Welcome to Bharti Enterprises

Bharti Enterprises is an ideal partner for all kind of waterproofing needs. Our mission is to utilize cutting edge waterproofing technology to offer long term solution and put smile on customers face

    Roof     Waterproofing

Roof waterproofing is required to protect buildings and their contents from water damage caused by rain, snow, and other forms of moisture. Water can seep into a building through cracks and gaps in the roof, leading to leaks, structural damage, and the growth of mold and mildew. Waterproofing the roof helps to prevent these issues and prolongs the lifespan of the building

Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing is a crucial step in maintaining the structural integrity and safety of a building It prevents water from penetrating the foundation walls and basement floor of a building through cracks in basement, gaps around pipe, or even through the porous concrete, which can lead to structural issues and health hazards due to mold and mildew growth.

Bathroom Waterproofing

Bathroom waterproofing is required to prevent water damage to the structural components of the building and to reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth, which can negatively impact indoor air quality and cause health problems. Water can penetrate the walls, floors, and ceilings of a bathroom through gaps and cracks, and can cause damage to the underlying materials, such as wood and drywall. Over time, this can lead to deterioration and structural damage, which can be costly to repair.

Podium   Waterproofing

Podium waterproofing is required to protect the structural components of a building's podium, which is the elevated platform that serves as the base for a building's foundation and supports its weight. Without proper waterproofing, water can penetrate the podium and cause damage to the underlying materials, such as concrete and steel. This can lead to structural instability and compromise the safety of the building

We follow industries best practices

We believe our responsibilities extend beyond business. That is why we established Bharti Enterprises – to provide solution that last long whether it's a new construction or an existing ones that needs attention. And that is why we behave ethically and honestly in all our interactions – with our customers

There have been several advances in waterproofing technology in recent years and we believe in making use of it for betterment of our customer. Some of the technology includes;

Advanced membranes: Membrane systems have been improved with advanced materials such as modified bitumen, PVC, TPO, EPDM, and others. These new membranes offer better durability, flexibility, and resistance to weathering and UV light

Liquid-applied coatings: These coatings can be applied directly to the surface, creating a seamless and durable waterproofing barrier. They can also be applied over existing coatings and can be customized to meet specific performance requirements

Nanotechnology: Waterproofing materials have been developed using nanotechnology, which involves the manipulation of materials at the molecular level. These materials offer superior water resistance and can be applied as coatings or added to other waterproofing products

Smart technology: New technologies such as smart coatings and sensors can monitor and detect leaks and other waterproofing issues in real-time, allowing for faster and more effective repairs

A skilled workforce is crucial in waterproofing technology to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of waterproofing systems. Skilled workers in the industry typically have a strong understanding of building materials and construction techniques, as well as specialized knowledge of waterproofing materials and techniques.

It's like a musical analogy, excellent waterproofing products are like a musical instrument and It'scorrect application is like the notes played on that instrument, thus to create this analogy requires skilled workforce and we are proud to have them in our team

A warranty is important in waterproofing because it provides assurance to the property owner that the waterproofing system will perform as promised and can help protect them from costly repairs if the system fails.

Our experience in the field has enable us keep the customer safe and happy as we take full responsibility of our work

We have partnered with some of the best waterproofing product manufacturers in India and have developed a trust over time working with them. As a result, being a partner applicator helps in getting real time support from the product manufacturer in all the aspects, thus enabling us to carry out the job effectively and efficiently, resulting in win-win situation for us and the customer

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